Practice Services and Technologies
We provide a full range of endodontic services including, but not limited to:
- conventional root canal treatment
- retreatment
- microsurgery
- regenerative endodontics
- dental trauma care
- for more information see our "What is Endodontics?" page
Our office employs several exciting technologies that allow us to provide you with the highest level of care:
- Surgical Operating Microscope-provides improved visualization and illumination to aid in conservative treatment of cases with even complex anatomy
- Digital Photography-digital photographs are taken through the surgical operating microscope to convey treatment details to you and your dentist
- Digital Radiography-digital radiographs are utilized to provide high quality images that can be manipulated for maximum clincal value all while reducing your exposure to radiation
- Paperless Office-all office documents are stored and accessed through our secured server also allowing you to register and access all required forms prior to your appointment (256 bit data encryption secures your data, this is the same security used by banks)